Unit 1: Higher, Faster, Stronger (TleG1_gr2)
(at the follwoing of what we did last time)
Group 3
In the 1920s, Paris was the center of the intellectual and cultural,
artistic and political life. On top of that it
was a very crowded city with 2,9 million inhabitant, including Irish
celebrities such as Samuel Beckett an Irish novelist who was the nephew of an
athletes who competed in the Paris 1924 Olympics. In 1924, Ireland could
finally participate to the Olympic Games under the Irish banner for the first
Group 4
The Tailtean Games took place in
Dublin, one week after the Olympics in 1924. It was the biggest sport event
attracting up to 5000 competitors which
was 2000 more than the Paris Olympics. The athletes were mainly Irish. The origins
of the sport event lead back to an Irish legend, they first took place in Teltown
in honor of Queen Tailte. They look alike the Olympics and it took place every
four years. The goal was to unite the country, help forge an identity and create
a feeling of belonging.
Group 5
Pierre de Coubertin was strongly against women competing at the Olympics.
In fact, as for him it was a male-only competition. However, women
could compete in tennis, golf, archery, swimming and gymnastics. In 1924, they
were only 135 women athletes. Nevertheless, in
1922, Paris hosted a competition event for women in track and field with the
help of a feminist activist named Alice Milliat. Eventually,
the International Olympic committee instead of letting women participating in
smaller competitions, they allowed them to participate to the next Olympic
Games in the track and field discipline.
Group 6
In 1948 London Olympics took place after WWII. There were the first
disabled athletes in wheelchairs practicing archery. This was the beginning of
the Paralympics that developed fully in Rome in 1960 with 23 countries that
represented by almost 400 disabled athletes. On top of
that, there were disabled women athletes who participated to the competition
as well. It enabled disabled people to
integrate better into the society. Back then, women were still discriminated against
because they were supposed to stay at home and take care of the household. They
were not supposed to practice sport outside the house.
Group 7
The Games have evolved throughout the time: more and more women are represented,
there are more and more countries that goes along with the increase of
diversity in the Games. Back then athletes used to be amateurs, however, there were more and more professional
athletes who started to compete in the Games. In fact,
during the Cold War period, these athletes were used as a form of soft power to
promote their own countries. On top of that, the
globalization of TV more precisely, in color, expanded the audience of the
Games. In addition, the sponsors also helped in
the expansion of the Games as a whole.
Homework: Learn the lesson.
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