Unit 1: Higher, Faster, Stronger (TG1)
Paris 1924-2024 – An Irish Olympic Journey
Group 1
In the beginning of the 20th century, Irish athletes were
competing for Great Britain and the USA.
On top of that,
Pierre de Coubertin was the creator of
the Olympics as we know them today, and at the time he was strongly against the
participation of women in the Games.
In 1906, an Irish athlete hoisted a
green flag as a sign of protest for Ireland to be finally recognized as an
independent country. This event triggered the
discussion around the creation of an Irish Olympic Committee. It was created in
April 1920, however, Irish athletes could
not compete in the Antwerp Olympics (Belgium) because their situation should
have been solved on a political level before the Games.
Group 2
Before Irish athletes could compete for their own country, they had
already won 25 medals and the credits were for the countries they competed for:
Great Britain, USA and even South Africa. In fact,
they were not allowed to compete for their own country.
Group 3
In the 1920s, Paris was the center of the intellectual and cultural,
artistic and political life. On top of that it
was a very crowded city with 2,9 million inhabitant, including Irish
celebrities such as Samuel Beckett an Irish novelist who was the nephew of an
athletes who competed in the Paris 1924 Olympics.
We will continue the study of the texts next time. Be ready!
Homework: Learn the lesson.
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