Unit 4: Enriching Exchanges (1ère AMC)
Theme 1: Knowledge, Creation, Innovation.
Topic 1: Producing and sharing knowledge
Unit 4: Enriching exchanges
what extent is the power of education?
Enriching Exchanges: to what extent can studying abroad
be a life changing experience?
The document under study is an extract from a web
article “Student International”, published in May 2018. It is about the amount
of international population in different countries hosting them.
In fact, studying abroad nowadays is easier thanks to
the Internet and the growth of the development of the means of transport. For example,
in 2001 there were 2.1 million international students, then in 2017, there were
4.6 million international students.
The motivation factors are generally the fact that there
is a higher quality of education in the host countries, a better job prospects
as well. Moreover, international students long
to improve themselves and to discover new cultures.
There are 16 main host countries which host students
every year. The main ones are the US and the UK, followed by Canada, Australia,
China and New Zealand.
Recently, Canada overtook the UK because of political
reasons with the Brexit. On top of that, in
Canada students are sure to find a high quality education, a welcoming
environment, and it will be easier to find a good job there.
To finish with, Australia has a high number of international
students because the visa policies are easy for international students. Furthermore, there is an increase of students coming
from India as the Indian school system and the Australian are similar.
To conclude, we can see that the majority of students usually go
to English speaking countries because is English is eventually the international
Homework: Learn the lesson.
Take the follwing quizz to see in which country you could study later:
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