Unit 3: The Secret Road to Freedom (1ère Générale)
Underground (TV Series)
The document
under study is a trailer for the first season for a TV show entitled “Underground”,
released in 2017. In this TV show, we are following two main characters: Noah
and Rosalee, they are both slaves in the Macon plantation in Georgia. Noah
works on the plantation and Rosalee is a house
slave. Their goal is to escape from their condition as slaves through
the Underground Railroad. It seems like they are helped by other slaves and station masters. We can see them making a plan to
escape. Trying to flee is at the risk of their lives because slave catchers could be very violent. Moreover, the slaves who would stay in the plantation
do not agree with the runaway slaves because
their slave master would go mad and become
more violent with them.
The commitment
to the abolitionist cause is portrayed by a couple of white people working with
a free black man risking their lives by hiding slaves in their house secretly.
The reasons
why the slaves wanted to escape from slavery were because they found the situation
unfair as they were forced to work for free, they were dehumanized and they
wanted to fight for their rights.
They must have
been scared because if the slave catchers would
catch them, then they could be sent to jail, tortured or even killed.
Homework: Learn the lesson.
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